- Jun Ueda, Joshua Schultz, and Harry Asada, Cellular Actuators: Modularity and Variability in Muscle-Inspired Actuation, Elsevier, January 2017 [LINK Elsevier.com ] [Google Books Preview]
- Jun Ueda and Yuichi Kurita, Human Modeling for Bio-Inspired Robotics, ISBN 9780128031377, Academic Press, Elsevier, September 2016 [LINK Elsevier.com]
Journal Papers
- Efe Ozkaya, Heriberto A. Nieves-Vazquez, Jun Ueda, and Bachir Taouli, Automated Liver Magnetic Resonance Elastography Quality Assessment and Liver Stiffness Measurement using Deep Learning, Abdominal Radiology, accepted, March 2025
- Jacob Blevins and Jun Ueda, Encrypted Model Reference Adaptive Control with False Data Injection Attack Resilience via Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption-Based Overflow Trap, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, March 2025 [SMARTech] [TechRxiv. DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.172469519.92808714/v1], [Xplore]
- Jun Ueda, Jacob Blevins, Affine Transformation-based Perfectly Undetectable False Data Injection Attacks on Remote Manipulator Kinematic Control with Attack Detector, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8690 – 8697, Volume: 9, Issue: 10, DOI: 10.1109/LRA.2024.3451397, August 2024 [Arxiv] [IEEE Xplore]
- Charles Hong, Tarun Vinodkumar, Heriberto Nieves, and Jun Ueda, Sensor-Embedded Tissue Phantom For Magnetic Resonance Elastography Mechanical Failure Testing, ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 2024, MED-24-1046 https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4066226
- Heriberto A. Nieves-Vazquez, Efe Ozkaya PhD, Waiman Meinhold, Amine Geahchan, Octavia Bane, Jun Ueda, and Bachir Taouli, Deep Learning-Enabled Automated Quality Control for Liver MR Elastography: Initial study, Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging [LINK]
- Heriberto Nieves-Vazquez, Euisun Kim, Jun Ueda, Closed-loop Estimation of Individualized Inter-stimulus Interval Window for Transient Neuromodulation via Paired Mechanical and Brain Stimulation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 110-119, Feb. 2023 [LINK]
- Yingxin Qiu, Mengnan Wu, Lena Ting, and Jun Ueda, Prefilter Design for Improved Spectral Flatness of Physical Pseudorandom Perturbations, IEEE Transactions of Control System Technology, October 2022 [LINK].
- Mengnan Wu, Yingxin Qiu, Jun Ueda, Lena Ting, A Versatile Emulator for Physical Human-Robot Hand Interactions to Alter Human Walking, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, with Biorob option (Biorob 2022), Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 7335-7342,10.1109/LRA.2022.3182109, July 2022 [LINK].
- Michael Libretto and Jun Ueda, Evaluating the Normalized Coprime Factor-Based Stability Metric for Rigid Systems, ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control, April 2022 [LINK].
- Waiman Meinhold, Efe Ozkaya, Derek Petti, Vaughn Rice, Emily Triolo, Fargol Rezayaraghi, Paul Kennedy, Lazar Fleysher, Ai-Ping Hu, Jun Ueda, Mehmet Kurt, Towards Image Guided Magnetic Resonance Elastography via Active Driver Positioning Robot, IEEE Transactions of Biomedical Engineering, vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 3345-3355, Nov. 2022, doi: 10.1109/TBME.2022.3168494 [LINK].
- E. Ozkaya, E. Triolo, F. Rezayaraghi, J. Abderezaei, A. Pionteck, W. Meinhold, J. Ueda, M. Eriten, K. Hong, L. Fleysher, P. Kennedy, C. Johnson, Y. Yang, M. Kurt, Brain-Mimicking Phantom for Biomechanical Validation of Motion Sensitive MR Imaging Techniques, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, Volume 122, October 2021 [LINK]
- Daniel E. Martinez, Waiman Meinhold, John Oshinski, Ai-Ping Hu, and Jun Ueda, Super Resolution for Improved Positioning of an MRI-Guided Spinal Cellular Injection Robot, Journal of Medical Robotics Research, April 2021 [LINK]
- Yingxin Qiu, Mengnan Wu, Lena Ting, Jun Ueda, “Maximum Spectral Flatness Control of a Manipulandum for Human Motor System Identification, ” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L) Volume 6, Issue 2, April 2021 [LINK]
- Waiman Meinhold, Yoshinori Yamakawa, Hiroshi Honda, Takayuki Mori, Shin-ichi Izumi and Jun Ueda, A smart tendon hammer system for remote neurological examination, Frontiers in Robotics and AI, Robotics, Special issue on Autonomous Systems and AI for Nonurgent/Nonemergent Healthcare Delivery During and After the COVID-19 Pandemic, January 2021 [LINK]
- Waiman Meinhold, Daniel E. Martinez, John Oshinski, Ai-Ping Hu, Jun Ueda, A direct drive parallel plane piezoelectric needle positioning robot for MRI guided intraspinal injection, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, September 2020 (LINK).
- Michael LiBretto, Yingxin Qiu, Euisun Kim, Kevin Pluckter, Namsu Yuk, Jun Ueda, Singularity-Free Solutions for Inverse Kinematics of Degenerate Mobile Robots, Mechanism and Machine Theory, Vol 153, November 2020. (LINK)
- Laura D Weinstock, James E Forsmo, Alexis Wilkinson, Jun Ueda, Levi B Wood, Experimental control of macrophage pro-inflammatory dynamics using predictive models, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, Vol. 8, July 2020. (LINK)
- Michael LiBretto, Yong K. Cho, Yong Han Ahn, Chang Soo Han, Jun Ueda, Configuration Optimization for End-Point Stabilization of Redundant Manipulators with Base Flexibility, ASME Letters in Dynamic Systems and Control, Apr 2021, 1(2): 021001 (9 pages) (This is a letter version of DSCC 2019 paper recommended for publication in ALDSC) [LINK].
- Euisun Kim, Waiman Meinhold, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, Statistical Inter-stimulus Interval Window Estimation for Transient Neuromodulation via Paired Mechanical and Brain Stimulation, Frontiers in NeuroRobotics, Volume 14, 2020 [LINK].
- Nayef E. Ahmar, Jun Ueda, Minoru Shinohara, Anti-phase co-contraction practice attenuates in-phase oscillations between antagonistic muscles as assessed with phase coherence, Experimental Brain Research, 238(1), 63-72, 2020 [LINK].
- DeaGyu Kim, Zhijian Hao, Jun Ueda; Azadeh Ansari, A 5mg micro-bristle-bot fabricated by two-photon lithography, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, August 2019 [LINK].
- Rohan Katoch and Jun Ueda, Edge-Preserving Camera Trajectories for Improved Optical Character Recognition on Static Scenes With Text, IEEE RA-L (with IROS option), 2019 [LINK].
- Michael D. Kim and Jun Ueda, Realization of smooth pursuit for a quantized, compliant camera positioning system, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Volume 34, Issue 5, pp. 1400-1407, Oct 2018 [IEEE Xplore].
- Melih Turkseven and Jun Ueda, Model Based Force Control of Pneumatic Actuators with Long Transmission Lines, IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, pp. 1292-1302, Volume 23, Issue 3, June 2018 [LINK Xplore].
- Ellenor Brown, Yasuhide Yoshitake, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, “Automatic analysis of ultrasound shear-wave elastography in skeletal muscle without non-contractile tissue contamination,” International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, Volume 2, Issue 2, pp 209-225, June 2018 [LINK Springer Nature].
- Michael D. Kim and Jun Ueda, Dynamics-based motion de-blurring improves the performance of optical character recognition during fast scanning of a robotic eye, IEEE Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol 23, Issue 1, pp. 491-495, February 2018 , [Link Xplore].
- Yosef Razin, Kevin Pluckter, Jun Ueda, Karen Feigh, “Predicting Task Intent from Surface Electromyography using Layered Hidden Markov Models,” IEEE Robotics and Automaton Letters (RA-L) with ICRA option, pp.1180-1185, Vol. 2, Issue 2, April 2017.
- Efrain Teran and Jun Ueda, Influence of rolling resistance on manual wheelchair dynamics and mechanical efficiency, International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications (IJIRA), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp.55-73, 2017 [LINK Springer Nature].
- Rohan Katoch, Yoshinori Yamakawa, Jun Ueda and Hiroshi Honda , “Design and Analysis of an Articulated Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgical Device,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 10(3), August 1, 2016 (Technical Brief: reprint of the paper presented at 2016 ASME Design of Medical Devices, in Minnesota) [LINK].
- Yuichi Kurita, Yamato Sueda, Minoru Hattori, Hiroyuki Sawada, Hiroyuki Egi, Hideki Ohdan, Jun Ueda, and Toshio Tsuji, Surgical Grasping Forceps With Enhanced Sensorimotor Capability via the Stochastic Resonance Effect, IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 21, Issue 6, pp. 2624-2634, Dec 2016.[LINK Xplore]
- Melih Turkseven and Jun Ueda, An Asymptotically Stable Pressure Observer Based on Load and Displacement Sensing for Pneumatic Actuators with Long Transmission Lines, IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vlume 22, Issue 2, pp. 681-692, April 2017 [Link Xplore].
- Euisun Kim, Ilya Kovalenko, Lauren Lacey, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, “Timing Analysis of Robotic Neuromodulatory Rehabilitation System for Paired Associative Stimulation”, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), Vol 1, Issue 2, pp: 1028–1035, February, 2016 [LINK Xplore]
- Michael Kim and Jun Ueda, “Real-time panoramic image generation and motion deblurring by using dynamics-based robotic vision,” IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 21, Issue 3, pp. 1376 – 1387, 2016 [LINK Xplore].
- Antonio Moualeu and Jun Ueda, A Predictive Model for Operator Endpoint Stiffness Estimation during Physical Human-Robot Interaction, Special issue on shared control, Journal of Human-Robot Interaction, Vol. 4, No. 3, 2015 [LINK]
- Ilya Kovalenko, Jonathan Lai, Johnathan Williams, Arnold Maliki, and Jun Ueda, “Design and Testing of a Pneumatic Hemiparesis Rehabilitation Device for a Neurofacilitation Exercise” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 9(3), September 3, 2015 (Technical Brief: reprint of the paper presented at 2015 ASME Design of Medical Devices, in Minnesota) [LINK].
- Michael Kim and Jun Ueda, “Dynamics-based motion de-blurring for a PZT-driven, compliant camera orientation mechanism,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, Vol. 34(4-5) 653–673, 2015
- Gregory Henderson and Jun Ueda, “Pneumatically-Powered Robotic Exercise Device to Induce a Specific Activation Pattern in Target Lower Extremity Muscles,” Robotica, volume 32, issue 08, pp. 1281-1299, 2014 [LINK Cambridge Journals].
- Lauren Lacey, Arnold Maliki, Debapriya Bhattacharjee, James Veldhorst and Jun Ueda, “Design of MRI-Compatible Hemiparesis Rehabilitation Device,” ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 8(2), April 28, 2014 (Technical Brief: reprint of the paper presented at 2014 ASME Design of Medical Devices, in Minnesota) [LINK].
- William Gallagher, Dalong Gao, and Jun Ueda, “Improved Stability of Haptic Human-Robot Interfaces using Measurement of Human Arm Stiffness,” Advanced Robotics, Volume 28, Issue 13, pp. 869-882, 2014 [LINK (Taylor and Francis)] (2015 Advanced Robotics Best Paper Award)
- Yamato Sueda, Minoru Hattori, Hiroyuki Sawada, Hiroyuki Egi, Hideki Ohdan, Jun Ueda, Toshio Tsuji, Yuichi Kurita, “Surgical grasping forceps with the sensorimotor enhancement capability by stochastic resonance,” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 32, No. 5, 2014 (in Japanese).
- David MacNair and Jun Ueda, “Dynamic Cellular Actuator Arrays and Expanded Fingerprint Method for Dynamic Modeling,” Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Special Issue on Reconfigurable Modular Robotics, Volume 62, Issue 7, Pages 1060–1072, July 2013 [LINK (ScienceDirect)].
- Joshua Schultz and Jun Ueda, “Nested piezoelectric cellular actuators for a biologically inspired camera positioning mechanism,” IEEE Transactions of Robotics, , Vol. 29, No. 5, pp. 1125-1138, 2013 [LINK (IEEE Xplore)].
- William Gallagher, Ming Ding, Jun Ueda, “Relaxed Individual Control of Skeletal Muscle Forces via Physical Human-robot Interaction,” Multibody System Dynamics, Vol. 30, Issue 1, pp 77-99, June 2013.[LINK (Springer)]
- Timothy McPherson and Jun Ueda, “A Force and Displacement Self-Sensing Piezoelectric MRI-Compatible Tweezer End Effector with an On Site Calibration Procedure,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 19, Issue 2, pp. 755-764, April 2014.[LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Yuichi Kurita, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, “Wearable Sensorimotor Enhancer for Fingertip Based on Stochastic Resonance Effect,” IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems (formerly IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics–Part A), vol.43, no.3, pp.333–337, May 2013 [LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Melih Turkseven and Jun Ueda, “Analysis of an MRI Compatible Force Sensor for Sensitivity and Precision,” IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.13, No.2, pp.476-486, Feb. 2013. [LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Joshua Schultz and Jun Ueda, “Two-Port Network Models for Compliant Rhomboidal Strain Amplifiers,” IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol.29, No.1, pp.42-54, Feb. 2013. [LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Yuichi Kurita, Fuyuki Sugihara, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Piezoelectric Tweezer-type End-effector with Force- and Displacement-Sensing Capability, ” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 17, Issue 6, pp. 1039 – 1048, December 2012. [LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Joshua Schultz and Jun Ueda, “Experimental Verification of Discrete Switching Vibration Suppression,” IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Volume 17, Issue 2, pp. 298 – 308, April 2012.[LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- David MacNair and Jun Ueda, “A Fingerprint Method for Variability and Robustness Analysis of Stochastically Controlled Cellular Actuator Arrays,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 30, Issue 5, pp. 536 – 555, April 2011.[LINK (SAGE Publications)]
- Jun Ueda, Ming Ding, Vijaya Krishnamoorthy, Minoru Shinohara, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Individual Muscle Control using an Exoskeleton Robot for Muscle Function Testing,” IEEE Transactions on Neural and Rehabilitation Systems Engineering, Vol.18, No.4, pp.339-350, Aug. 2010.[LINK (PubMed)]
- Wataru Mori, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “A 1-d.o.f. Dynamic Pitching Robot That Independently Controls Velocity, Angular Velocity and Direction of a Ball ,” Advanced Robotics, Vol. 24, No. 5-6, p. 921-942, 2010. [LINK]
- Jun Ueda, Thomas Secord, Harry Asada, “Large Effective-Strain Piezoelectric Actuators Using Nested Cellular Architecture with Exponential Strain Amplification Mechanisms”, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, Vol. 15, No. 5, pp. 770-782, 2010. [LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Jun Ueda, Masahiro Kondo, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “The Multifingered NAIST-Hand System for Robot In-hand Manipulation,” Mechanism and Machine Theory, Volume 45, Issue 2, Pages 224-238, February 2010. [LINK (ScienceDirect)]
- Yuichi Kurita, Fuyuki Sugihara, Jun Ueda, and Tsukasa Ogasawara, “MRI Compatible Robot Gripper Using Large-Strain Piezoelectric Actuators,” Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (C), Vol.76, No.761, January 2010. (in Japanese).
- Shinji Kuriyama , Ming Ding , Yuichi kurita , Jun Ueda and Tsukasa Ogasawara,”Flexible Sensor for McKibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscle,” International Journal of Automation Technology,Vol.3, No.6, pp. 731-740, 2009.[LINK (Fujipress IJAT)]
- Ding Ming, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Pinpointed Muscle Force Control Using a Power-assisting Device,” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 27, No. 9, pp. 75-83, 2009 (in Japanese).
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Recognition of In-Hand Manipulation using Contact State Transition for Multifingered Robot Hand Control”, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Volume 56, Issue 1, pp. 66–81, January 31, 2008. [LINK (ScienceDirect)]
- Jun Ueda, Lael Odhner, H. Harry Asada, “Broadcast Feedback of Stochastic Cellular Actuators Inspired by Biological Muscle Control,” The International Journal of Robotics Research, Volume 26, Issue 11-12, pp. 1251–1265, November-December 2007. [LINK (Sage Journals Online)]
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Evaluation of Manipulative Familiarization and Fatigue Using Contact State Transition,” Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Vol.72, No.723, Nov. 2006 (in Japanese).
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Recognition of Cylindrical Object Manipulation Based on Contact State Transition” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.213-221, 2006 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, Atsutoshi Ikeda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Grip-force Control of an Elastic Object by Vision-based Slip Margin Feedback during the Incipient Slip”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol.21, Issue 6, pp.1139- 1147, December, 2005.[LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Hiroshi Takemura, Masato Deguchi, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Slip-adaptive Walk of Quadruped Robot”, Journal of Robotics and Autonomous Systems, Vol. 53, Issue 2 , pp.124-141, November, 2005. [LINK (ScienceDirect)]
- Yuichi Kurita, Atsutoshi Ikeda, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “A Fingerprint Pointing Device Utilizing the Deformation of the Fingertip during the Incipient Slip”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol.21, Issue 5, pp.801- 811, October, 2005.[LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Jun Ueda, Kenji Shirae, Shingo Oda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Moment Compensation for Fast Dynamic Walking of Humanoids based on Human Athletes Pelvis Rotation”, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 75-83, 2005 (in Japanese).
- Yuichi Kurita, Kazuyuki Nagata, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, and Tsukasa Ogasawara, “CPG Based Manipulation: Adaptation of the switching cycle of the grasping fingers by the joint angle feedback,” Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (C), Vol.71, No.705, pp.1654-1660, 2005 (in Japanese).
- Atsutoshi Ikeda, Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara,”Grip Force Control of the Elastic Body based on Contact Surface Eccentricity during the Incipient Slip”, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 23, No. 3, pp. 65-710, 2005 (in Japanese).
- Hiroshi Takemura, Masato Deguchi, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Slip-adaptive Walk of Quadruped Robot Based on Force Control Utilizing Acceleration Signals of the Legs”, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 23, No. 1, pp. 124-130, 2005 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Robust Arm Configuration of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, Vol. 20, No. 4, pp.781- 789, Aug., 2004. [LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Force Reflecting Bilateral Teleoperation with Time Delay By Signal Filtering”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 20, No. 3, pp.613- 619, June, 2004.[LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Mode Shape Compensator for Improving Robustness of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base”, IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automation, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 256- 268, April, 2004.[LINK (IEEE Xplore)]
- Jun Ueda, Ryoji Negi, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Acquisition of a Page Turning Skill for a Multifingered Hand using Reinforcement Learning”, Advanced Robotics, Vol.18, No. 1, pp.101-114, Jan., 2004.
- Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “CPG Based Manipulation: Measurement of Human’s Rhythmic Finger Gaits”, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (C), Vol. 70, No. 699, pp.3220-3226, 2004 (in Japanese).
- Atsutoshi Ikeda, Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Development of a Compact Pointing Device Utilizing the Fingerprint Deformation during the Incipient Slip”, Transactions of Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 45, No. 7, pp. 1769-1778, 2004. (in Japanese).
- Hiroshi Takemura, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Three Dimentional Adaptive Walking of Quadruped Robot using Sideways Sway Motion and Posture Reflex via Neural Oscillators” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 22, No. 4, pp.528-534, 2004 (in Japanese)
- Norihisa Takahashi, Mitsunori Tada, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “An Optical 6-Axis Force Sensor for Brain Function Analysis using fMRI”,Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (C), Vol. 70, No. 691, pp.743-750, 2004 (in Japanese).
- Hiroya Iwaya, Hiroshi Takemura, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “A Study of the Toe Function for Human Walking by the Existence of a Toe Using a Toe Pressure Measurement System”, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers (C), Vol.70, No.689, pp.212-220, 2004 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, Akihiko Imagi, Hitoshi Tamayama, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Track Following Control for Large Capacity Flexible Disk Drive: Disturbance Observer Design using Two Position Sensors”, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol. 15, No. 4 , pp. 458-468, Aug., 2003.
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Mode Shape Compensator for Improving Robustness of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base”, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 21, No. 4, pp.305-400, 2003 (in Japanese). (Received Special Award of 2004 FANUC FA and Robot Foundation Original Paper Awards)
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Robust Arm Configuration of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base”, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 20, No. 5, pp.537-542, 2002(in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Task Priority Based Mode Shaping Method for In-phase Design of Flexible Structures Aiming at High Speed and Accurate Positioning”, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers , (C), No. 68, Vol. 665, pp.60-67, 2002 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, Akihiko Imagi, Hitoshi Tamayama, “Track Following Control for Large Capacity Flexible Disk Drive: Disturbance Observer Design Using Two Position Sensors”, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (C), No. 67, Vol. 655, pp.751-758, 2001 (in Japanese).
- Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Jun Ueda, “Analysis and Control of Master-Slave Systems with Time Delay”, Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, (C), No. 62, Vol. 602, pp.72-79, 1996 (in Japanese)
Papers Under Review and Preprints
- Sheeraz Athar, Xinwei Zhang, Jun Ueda, Ye Zhao, Yu She, VibTac: A Multi-Modal Tactile Sensing Finger for Robotic Manipulation, IEEE Transactions on Hapatics, submitted. 12/2024, Minor Revision
- Yingxin Qiu, Mengnan Wu, Lena Ting, and Jun Ueda, Two-Stage Optimized Perturbation Design for Efficient Human Arm Impedance Identification with Device Dynamics Compensation, IEEE Transactions on Medical Robotics and Bionics, submitted, March 2025
- Jun Ueda and Bin Kwon, Perfectly Undetectable Reflection and Scaling False Data Injection Attacks via Affine Transformation on Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking Control, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, submitted, August, 2024 [Arxiv], Major Revision
- Jun Ueda, Affine Transformation-based Perfectly Undetectable False Data Injection Attacks from Controller’s Perspective on State- and Output Feedback Linear Control Systems, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems, submitted, November 2024, TechRxiv. November 19, 2024. DOI: 10.36227/techrxiv.173203471.15331174/v1
- Hyukbin Kwon, Jacob Blevins and Jun Ueda, Defense Mechanisms Against Undetectable Cyberattacks on Telerobotic Systems, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2025 AIM Focused Section, submitted, January 2025, Major Revision, March 2025
- Antonio Moualeu and Jun Ueda, Experimental Verification of Force-assistive Optimal Variable Admittance Control of Haptic Systems, Book Chapter, Discovering the Frontiers of Frontiers of Human-Robot Interaction, ISBN: 978-3031666551, Springer Nature, 2024.
- Jun Ueda, William Gallagher, Antonio Moualeu, Minoru Shinohara, and Karen Feigh, “Adaptive Human-Robot Physical Interaction for Robot Co-workers,” Human Modeling for Bio-Inspired Robotics, Edited by J. Ueda and Y. Kurita, ISBN 9780128031377, Academic Press, Elsevier, 2016
- Jun Ueda and Ming Ding, “Individual Control of Redundant Skeletal Muscles using an Exoskeleton Robot,” Redundancy in Robot Manipulators and Multi-Robot Systems,, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, pp. 183-199, Vol. 57, Edited by Dejan Milutinovic and Jacob Rosen, ISBN 978-3-642-33970-7, Springer, 2013. [Link Springer]
- Jun Ueda and Harry Asada, “Broadcast Control for a Large Array of Stochastically Controlled Piezoelectric Actuators,” Microbiorobotics: Biologically Inspired Microscale Robotic Systems, Chapter 4, pp.87-114, Edited by Ed Steager, Agung Julius, and MinJun Kim, Elsevier, ISBN: 978-1-4557-7891-1, 2012.[Link ScienceDirect]
- Jun Ueda, “Piezoelectrically Actuated Robotic End-effector with Strain Amplification Mechanisms,” Advanced Mechatronics and MEMS Device, Microsystems Volume 23, pp. 25-52, Edited by Dan Zhang, Springer, ISBN 978-1-4419-9984-9, 2012. [Link Springer]
- Tsukasa Ogasawara and Jun Ueda, Chapter 7: Assistive device, Applications and Progress for Advanced Man-machine Interfaces and Information Technologies- “Neo-kaden” project in Keihanna Knowledge Cluster-, ISBN 978-4-88231-999-3, in Japanese.
- Jun Ueda, Masayuki Matsugashita, Reishi Oya, and Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Control of Muscle Force During Exercise Using a Musculoskeletal-Exoskeletal Integrated Human Model,” Experimental Robotics, The 10th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, ISBN:978-3-540-77456-3,pp. 143–152, Volume 39, 2008.
- Lael Odhner, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, “Force feedback of Stochastic Cellular Actuators,” Experimental Robotics, The 10th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics, Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, ISBN: 978-3-540-77456-3,pp. 481–490, Volume 39, 2008.
- Jun Ueda, Kenji Shirae, Shingo Oda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Momentum Compensation for the Fast Dynamic Walk of Humanoids based on the Pelvic Rotation of Contact Sport Athletes”, Humanoid Robots: Human-like Machies, Matthias Hackel Eds, ISBN: 978-3-902613-07-3, Chapter 15, pp.245-262, 2007, I-Tech Education and Publishing.[LINK]
- Hiroshi Takemura, Akihiro Matsuyama, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Hiroshi Mizoguchi and Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Dynamic Walk of Humanoids: Momentum Compensation based on the Optimal Pelvic Rotation”, Climbing and Walking Robots: Towards New Applications, Houxiang Zhang Eds, ISBN: 978-3-902613-16-5, Chapter 13, pp.283-298, 2007, I-Tech Education and Publishing.[LINK]
Peer-reviewed Conference Papers
- Hyukbin Kwon, Hiroaki Kawase, Heriberto Andres Nieves-Vazquez , Kiminao Kogiso, Jun Ueda, Perfectly Undetectable False Data Injection Attacks on Encrypted Bilateral Teleoperation System based on Dynamic Symmetry and Malleability, 2025 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), accepted [Arxiv]
- Emily Trio, Waiman Mainhold, Efe Ozkaya, Jun Ueda, Melmet Kurt, Magnetic Resonance Elastography for Mechanical Modeling of the Human Lumbar Intervertebral Disc, the 2024 46th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC), Orlando, Florida, 2024
- Shane Kosieradzki, Saahas Yechuri, Jun Ueda, Encrypted Sensor and Actuator Interface for Encrypted Control Signals via Embedded Key Generation, the 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2024), Ha Long, Vietnam, January 2024
- Daniel Enrique Martinez, Heriberto Nieves-Vazquez, Yusuf Yaras, Alexey Khotimsky, Ben Skowronski, Lee Bradley, John Oshinski, F Levent Degertekin, Jun Ueda, MRI Compatible Robotic Dosimeter System for Safety Assessment of Medical Implants, the 2024 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2024), Ha Long, Vietnam, January 2024
- Bin Kwon, Shane Kosieradzki, Jacob Blevins, Jun Ueda, Encrypted Coordinate Transformation via Parallelized Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption for Robotic Teleoperation, 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023), Seattle, WA, July 2023.
- Yingxin Qiu, Mengnan Wu, Lena Ting, Jun Ueda, Optimal Multisine Perturbations for Improved Dynamic System Identification using a Mechanical Platform: A Preliminary Simulation Study, 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023), Seattle, WA, July 2023.
- Hiroaki Kawase, Waiman Meinhold, Jun Ueda, Encrypted Classification for Prevention of Adversarial Perturbation and Individual Identification in Health-Monitoring, 2023 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2023), Seattle, WA, July 2023.
- Nieves-Vazquez, Efe Ozkaya, Waiman Meinhold, Jun Ueda, Effects of Driver Placement and Phase on Multi-actuator Magnetic Resonance Elastography via Finite Element Analysis, 2023 American Control Conference (ACC 2023), San Diego, CA, June 2023
- Waiman Meinhold, Heriberto Nieves-Vazquez, Daniel Enrique Martinez, Joseph Lee, Siyu Li, Jun Ueda, Ai-Ping Hu, A Virtual Reality Guidance System for a Precise MRI Injection Robot, 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrations (SII 2023).
- Xiaofeng Zhao, Shane Kosieradzki, Jun Ueda, Distributed Simulation of Encrypted Dynamics via Functional Mockup Units, 2023 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integrations (SII 2023)
- Shane Kosieradzki, Xiaofeng Zhao, Hiroaki Kawase, Kiminao Kogiso, Jun Ueda, Secure Teleoperation Control Using Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption, IFAC 2022 Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference (MECC 2022),October 2022 [LINK]
- Waiman Meinhold, Heriberto Nieves-Vazquez, Jun Ueda, Prediction of Single Trial Somatosensory Evoked Potentials from Mechanical Stimulation Intensity, 2022 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics (ICORR), August 2022 [LINK]
- Shane Kosieradzki, Yingxin Qiu, Kiminao Kogiso, Jun Ueda, Rewrite Rules for Automated Depth Reduction of Encrypted Control Expressions with Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE/ASME International Conference onAdvanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2022) , pp. 804-809, July 2022. [LINK]
- Mengnan Wu, Yingxin Qiu, Jun Ueda, Lena Ting, A Versatile Emulator for Physical Human-Robot Hand Interactions to Alter Human Walking, RA-L with BIorob option, IEEE Biorob 2022 (also listed in journal paper section)
- Alexander Zabaldo and Jun Ueda, “Camera Trajectory Optimization for Maximizing Optical Character Recognition on Static Scenes with Text, ” 2021 Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference (MECC) 2021. [LINK]
- Antonio Moualeu and Jun Ueda, “Parameter Optimization for Variable Admittance Control of Haptic Systems,” 2021 Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference (MECC) 2021.
- Yingxin Qiu, Mengnan Wu, Lena Ting, Jun Ueda, “Maximum Spectral Flatness Control of a Manipulandum for Human Motor System Identification, ” 2021 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2021) also included in IEEE Robotics and Automaton Letters (RA-L) with ICRA option, 2021.
- Antonio Moualeu, Kevin Plucter, and Jun Ueda, Role of Operator Muscle Coactivation towards Intuitive Interaction with Haptic Assist Devices, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Boston, 2020.
- K. Teranishi, K. Kogiso, and J. Ueda, “Encrypted feedback linearization and motion control for manipulator with somewhat homomorphic encryption,” IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, Boston, 2020.
- Kaoru Teranishi, Jun Ueda and Kiminao Kogiso, Event-triggered Approach to Increasing Sampling Period of Encrypted Control Systems, IFAC 2020.
- Daniel E. Martinez, Waiman Meinhold, John Oshinski, Ai-Ping Hu, and Jun Ueda, Resolution-enhanced MRI-guided Navigation of Spinal Cellular Injection Robot, IEEE International Symposium on Medial Robotics (ISMR), 2020.http://arxiv.org/abs/2006.05544
- Yingxin Qiu and Jun Ueda, Encrypted motion control of a teleoperation system with security-enhanced controller by deception, ASME 2019 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Park City, Utah, 2019
- Michael LiBretto, Yong K. Cho, Yong Han Ahn, Chang Soo Han, Jun Ueda, “Configuration Optimization For End-Point Stabilization Of Redundant Manipulators With Base Flexibility” ASME 2019 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Park City, Utah, 2019 (received 2019 DSCC Vibrations Technical Committee Best Paper Award in Theory)
- K. Teranishi, M. Kusaka, N. Shimada, J. Ueda, and K. Kogiso: Secure observer-based motion control based on controller encryption, American Control Conference, pp. 2978-2983, 2019/7/10-7/12.
- Waiman Meinhold, Shin-ichi Izumi, Jun Ueda, Automated Variable Stimulus Tendon Tapping Modulates Somatosensory Evoked Potentials, IEEE 2019 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics.
- Waiman Meinhold and Jun Ueda, Tendon Tapping Location Detection Through Impact Modeling, IEEE International Symposium on Medial Robotics (ISMR), 2019
- Jun Ueda, Terese Martinez, Rohan Katoch, Kentaro Takemura, Reay Brown, “Direct Illumination of Micro Stent Implants for the Treatment of Glaucoma,” 2019 ASME Design of Medical Devices (DMD), V001T06A004, April 15-18, 2019 (Finalist of the Three-in-Five Competition among “top ten accepted contributed papers that describe medical devices with commercial potential”), April 15-18, 2019
- Waiman Meinhold, Jun Ueda, Efe Ozkaya, Mehmet Kurt, Tuneable Resonance Actuators for Magnetic Resonance Elastography, 2019 ASME Design of Medical Devices (DMD), V001T10A019, 2019
- Byeol Kim, Joo-Sung Lee, Jun Ueda, Yong K Cho, Chang-Soo Han and Yong-Han Ahn, Risk Identification and Assessment Methodology for Restoration Work of Unmanned Vehicle at Disaster Scene, the 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 2019.
- Dong-Ik Sun, Sang-Keun Lee, Yong-Seok Lee, Sang-Ho Kim, Jun Ueda, Yong K Cho, Yong-Han Ahn and Chang-Soo Han, Assessments of Intuition and Efficiency: Remote Control of the Arm of Excavator in Operational Space, the 2019 ASCE International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, June 2019.
- Kentaro Takemura, Euisun Kim and Jun Ueda, Individualized Inter-Stimulus Interval Estimation for Neural Facilitation in Human Motor System: A Particle Filtering Approach, ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, Atlanta, September 30-October 3, 2018
- Waiman Meinhold and Jun Ueda, Tendon Tapping Stimulus Characterization Through Contact Modeling, , ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, September 30-October 3, 2018
- Yingxin Qiu, Keerthena Murali, Atsushi Okabe, Dalong Gao, Jun Ueda, Variability in Muscle Recruitment Strategy Between Operators During Assisted Assembly Tasks, , ASME 2018 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, September 30-October 3, 2018
- Jun Ueda, Melih Turkseven, Euisun Kim, Quincey Lowery, Courtland Bivens, Michael Mayo, “Shock Absorbing Exoskeleton for Vertical Mobility System: Concept and Feasibility Study,”
2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018). - Rohan Katoch, Beatriz Fusaro, Jun Ueda, Inverse Error Function Trajectories for Image Reconstruction, 2018 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2018).
- Yingxin Qiu, Keerthana Murali, Dalong Gao and Jun UedaCoordination of whole body muscles during robot-assisted assembly tasks, 2018 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2018), Auckland, NZ, July 2018
- J. Chen, Y.K. Cho, and J. Ueda. Object-sensitive potential fields for mobile robot navigation and mapping in indoor environments, 15th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots, Hawaii, June 2018.
- J. Chen, Y.K. Cho, and J. Ueda. Sampled-Point Network for Classification of Deformed Building Element Point Cloud, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2018
- Y. Cho, S. Ma. J. Ueda, and K. Kim, “A Wearable Robotic Exoskeleton for Construction Worker’s Safety and Health.” 2018 ASCE Construction Research Congress (CRC), New Orleans, LA, April 2-5, 2018
- Euisun Kim and Jun Ueda, Assessment of Robot Necessity in Time Interval Dependent Rehabilitation Therapy, International Symposium on Medical Robotics, March 2018
- Waiman Meinhold, Evan Kaplan, Jun Ueda, Takayuki Mori and Shin-ichi
Izumi , An Instrumented Medical Hammer with Diagnostic, Therapeutic
and Pedagogical Applications, ASME 2017 Dynamic Systems and Control
Conference [LINK] - Euisun Kim and Jun Ueda, Optimal Inter-Stimulus Interval for Paired Associative
Stimulation with Mechanical Stimulation, the 39th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society (EMBC’17), 2017 - Rohan Katoch, Boao Xia, Yoshinori Yamakawa, Jun Ueda and Hiroshi Honda, Design and Analysis of a Symmetric Articulated Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgical Device, ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2017 [LINK]
- Yosef Razin, Kevin Pluckter, Jun Ueda, Karen Feigh, “Predicting Task Intent from Surface Electromyography using Layered Hidden Markov Models,” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2017) also included in IEEE Robotics and Automaton Letters (RA-L) with ICRA option.
- Melih Turkseven and Jun Ueda, Observer Based Impedance Control of a Pneumatic System with Long Transmission Lines, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2016).
- Michael Kim and Jun Ueda, Discrete switching commands for tracking and vibration suppression using a quantized, compliant camera orientation system, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2016).
- Rohan Katoch, Kenta Yoshida, Yoshinori Yamakawa, Jun Ueda, Hiroshi Honda, Design and Analysis of an Articulated Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgical Device, 2016 ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference.
- Melih Turkseven, Ilya Kovalenko, Euisun Kim and Jun Ueda, “Analysis of a Tele-Operated MRI-Compatible Vane Actuator for Neuromuscular Facilitation in Hemiparetic Limbs,” 2015 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2015), Columbus, Ohio, USA, October 28–30, 2015
- Jun Ueda, Lauren Lacey, Melih Turkseven, Minoru Shinohara, Ilya Kovalenko, Euisun Kim, Fatiesa Sulejmani, “Robotic Neuromuscular Facilitation for Regaining Neural Activation in Hemiparetic Limbs,” Proceedings of ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, IDETC/CIE 2015, Boston, Massachusetts, August 2-5, 2015
- Michael D. Kim and Jun Ueda, “Real-Time Image de-blurring and Image Processing for a Robotic Vision System,” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2015), Seattle, 2015
- Ilya Kovalenko, Jonathan Lai, Johnathan Williams, Arnold Maliki, and Jun Ueda, “Design and Testing of a Pneumatic Hemiparesis Rehabilitation Device for a Neurofacilitation Exercise,” 2015 ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference, 2015
- Rohan Katoch and Jun Ueda, “Trajectory Planning for Antagonistic Non-Uniformly Quantized SMA Actuator Arrays based on Evolutionary Optimization,” 2015 American Control Conference, 2015.
- Antonio Moualeu and Jun Ueda, “Haptic Control in Physical Human-Robot Interaction Based on Support Vector Machine Classification of Muscle Activity- A Preliminary Study -, ” ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2014).
- Antonio Moualeu and Jun Ueda, “Support Vector Machine Classification of Muscle Cocontraction to Improve Physical Human-Robot Interaction, ” the 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), pp. 2154 – 2159, Chicago, IL, 14-18 Sept. 2014.
- Jeffrey T. Bingham, Jeongseok Lee, Ravi N. Haksar, Jun Ueda and C. Karen Liu, “Orienting in Mid-air through Configuration Changes to Achieve a Rolling Landing for Reducing Impact after a Fall,” the 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014), , pp. 3610-3617, Chicago, IL, 14-18 Sept. 2014.
- Jun Ueda, Lauren Lacey, Melih Turkseven, Minoru Shinohara, Arnold Maliki, and Ilya Kovalenko, “Robotic Rehabilitation Exercise in Hemiparetic Limbs Based on Functional Synchronization of Voluntary and Involuntary Nerve Impulses,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2014), pp. 114-120, Evanston, USA, September, 2014
- Efrain Teran and Jun Ueda, “Evaluation of Wheelchair Rolling Resistance Using a Robotic Device,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2014), pp. 82-87, Evanston, USA, September, 2014
- Sean A. Kilbride, Michael D. Kim, and Jun Ueda, “Real Time Image De-blurring and Image Stitching for Muscle Inspired Camera Orientation System,” Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO 2014), pp. 82-87, Evanston, USA, September, 2014
- Chenlu Han and Jun Ueda, “On-Site Simultaneous Calibration of Hysteric and Structural Parameters for Self-Sensing Robotic Tweezers with Strain Amplified Piezoelectric Actuators,” Proceedings of 2014 American Control Conference, pp. 3657 – 3662 , Portland, USA, June, 2014
- William Gallagher and Jun Ueda, A Haptic Human-Robot Interface accounting for Human Parameter Stochasticity, Proceedings of 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2014), pp. 4256-4261, Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong, China, May 31 – June 7, 2014.
- Lauren Lacey, Arnold Maliki, Debapriya Bhattacharjee, James Veldhorst and Jun Ueda, “ Design of fMRI-Compatible Hemiparesis Rehabilitation Device,” 2014 ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference.
- Michael Kim and Jun Ueda, “Dynamics-based Motion Deblurring for a Biologically-inspired Camera Positioning Mechanism,” Proceedings of 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2013), pp.2689 – 2694 , Tokyo, Japan, November 307, 2013
- Lauren Lacey, Vasiliy Buharin, Melih Turkseven, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, ” Control of Voluntary and Involuntary Nerve Impulses for Hemiparesis Rehabilitation and MRI Study,” 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference,(DSCC’13), 2013.
- Ellenor Brown, Kazuya Aomoto, Atsutoshi Ikeda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, Yasuhide Yoshitake, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, ” Comparison Of Ultrasound Muscle Stiffness Measurement And Electromyography Towards Validation Of An Algorithm For Individual Muscle Control,” 2013 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference,(DSCC’13).
- Yamato Sueda, Minoru Hattori, Hideki Ohdan, Hiroyuki Egi, Hiroyuki Sawada, Jun Ueda, Toshio Tsuji, Yuichi Kurita, Improvement of Tactile Sensitivity by Stochastic Resonance Effect – Applications to Surgical Grasping Forceps -, 35th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference (EMBC 2013), pp. 4601-4604, Osaka, Japan, 2013
- Yuichi Kurita, Yamato Sueda, Toshio Tsuji, Minoru Hattori, Masakazu Tokunaga, Hiroyuki Egi, Hideki Ohdan, Hiroshi Takemura, Jun Ueda, Improvement of tactile sensitivity by stochastic resonance: application to vibrating forceps, 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference,(DSCC’12), pp. 465-469, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, Oct. 17-19, 2012
- Jun Ueda, David MacNair, Ellenor Brown, “Quantized Control of Compliant Cellular Actuator Arrays for Biological Movement Generation,” the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’12), pp. 233-241, 2012.
- William Gallagher, Dalong Gao, Jun Ueda, “Measurement of Muscle Stiffness to Improve Stability of Haptic Human-robot Interfaces,” the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’12), pp. 493-502, 2012 (Semi-plenary Presentation Finalist) (Received 2012 ASME DSCD Best Student Paper on Mechatronics)
- David MacNair and Jun Ueda, “Expanded Fingerprint Method for Analysis of Dynamic Cellular Actuator Arrays,” the 2012 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’12), pp. 131-138, 2012.
- Joshua Schultz and Jun Ueda, “A Camera Positioner Driven by Muscle-Like Actuation,” The 2012 IEEE / RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), pp. 719-724, Rome, Italy, 2012.
- William Gallagher, Timothy McPherson, James Huggins, Minoru Shinohara, Dalong Gao, Roland Menassa, Jun Ueda, “An Improved Human-Robot Interface by Measurement of Muscle Stiffness,” The 2012 IEEE / RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), pp. 177-182, Rome, Italy, 2012.
- Gregory C. Henderson and Jun Ueda, “Pneumatically-Powered Robotic Exoskeleton to Exercise Specific Lower Extremity Muscle Groups in Humans,” The 2012 IEEE / RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2012), pp. 1506-1511, Rome, Italy, 2012.
- Timothy McPherson and Jun Ueda, “Piezoelectric Self-Sensing Technique for Tweezer Style End-effector,” Proceedinds of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), pp. 1940—1945, 2011.
- Melih Turkseven and Jun Ueda, “Design of an MRI Compatible Haptic Interface,” Proceedinds of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2011), pp. 2139—2144, 2011.
- Joshua A. Schultz and Jun Ueda, “Analysis of antagonist stiffness for nested compliant mechanisms in agonist-antagonist arrangements,” the 2011 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’11), in CD-ROM.
- Yuichi Kurita, Minoru Shinohara and Jun Ueda, “Wearable Sensorimotor Enhancer for a Fingertip based on Stochastic Resonance, ” the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2011), pp. 3790-3795, May 9-13, Shanghai, China, 2011.
- Joshua Schultz and Jun Ueda, “Intersample Discretization of Control Inputs for Flexible Systems with Quantized Cellular Actuation,” the 2010 ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’10), Boston, MA, 2010.
- Ming Ding, Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, ” Pinpointed Muscle Force Control Taking Into Account the Control DOF of Power-assisting Device,” the 2010 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’10), Boston, MA, 2010.
- Jun Ueda, Moiz Hyderabadwala, Ming Ding, Tsukasa Ogasawara, Vijaya Krishnamoorthy, Minoru Shinohara, “Individual Muscle Control using an Exoskeleton Robot for Muscle Function Testing, ” the 2009 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC’09) , Hollywood, California, October 12-14, 2009.
- David MacNair, Jun Ueda, “Modeling & Characterizing Stochastic Actuator Arrays, ” the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2009), St. Louis, Missouri, USA, Oct. 11 – 15, 2009.
- Shinji Kuriyama, Ming Ding, Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Flexible Sensor for Mckibben Pneumatic Actuator,” the 2009 IEEE Sensors Conference, Christchurch, New Zealand, October 25-28, 2009.
- Joshua Schultz and Jun Ueda, “Discrete Switching Vibration Suppression for Flexible Systems With Redundant Actuation, ” 2009 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2009), Singapore, July 2009.
- Jun Ueda, Moiz Hyderabadwala, Vijaya Krishnamoorthy, Minoru Shinohara, “Motor Task Planning for Neuromuscular Function Tests using an Individual Muscle Control Technique,” 2009 IEEE 11th International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics, Kyoto, Japan, June 2009.
- Wataru Mori, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “1-DOF Dynamic Pitching Robot that Independently Controls Velocity, Angular Velocity, and Direction of Ball: Contact Models and Motion Planning,” 2009 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2009), Kobe, Japan, May 12 – 17, 2009.
- Jun Ueda, Thomas Secord, Harry Asada, “Piezoelectric Cellular Actuators Using Nested Rhombus Multilayer Mechanisms,” 1st Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2008), October 20-22, 2008, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2008.
- Levi Wood, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, “Broadcast Feedback with Hysteresis Loop Control of Stochastically Behaving Cellular Units with Application to Cellular Shape Memory Alloy Actuators,” 1st Annual Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC 2008), October 20-22, 2008, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA, 2008. (Best Student Paper Finalist)
- Ming Ding, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Pinpointed Muscle Force Control Using a Power-Assisting Device: System Configuration and Experiment,” The 2nd IEEE / RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2008).
- Jun Ueda, Thomas Secord, Harry Asada, “Static Lumped Parameter Model for Nested PZT Cellular Actuators with Exponential Strain Amplification Mechanisms”, the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2008)
- Thomas Secord, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, ” Static analysis of an artificial muscle system based on PZT strain amplification,” Proc. SPIE, Vol. 6932, 69323L, 2008.
- Thomas Secord, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, “Dynamic Analysis of a High-Bandwidth, Large-Strain, PZT Cellular Muscle Actuator with Layered Strain Amplification”, the 2008 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2008) (Best Automation Paper Finalist).
- Ming Ding, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Development of MAS – a system for pin-pointed muscle force control using a power-assisting device”, Proceddings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (Robio2007), December 15-18, Sanya, China, 2007.
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Recognition of In-Hand Manipulation by Observing Contact State Transition for Robot Hand Control”, 13th International Symposium of Robotics Research (ISRR 2007).
- Jun Ueda, Thomas Secord, and H. Harry Asada, “Design of PZT Cellular Actuators with Power-law Strain Amplification”, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2007), pp. 1160-1165, San Diego, 2007 .
- Jun Ueda, Lael Odhner, and H. Harry Asada, “Broadcast Feedback of Large-Scale, Distributed Stochastic Control Systems Inspired by Biological Muscle Control”, Proceedings of the 2007 American Control Conference (ACC2007), pp. 1317-1322, New York, 2007 .
- Jun Ueda, Ming Ding, Masayuki Matsugashita, Reishi Oya, Tsukasa Ogasawara “Pinpointed control of muscles by using power-assisting device,” Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2007), pp. 3821-3828, Roma, Italy, April, 2007.
- Jun Ueda, Lael Odhner, and H. Harry Asada, “Broadcast Feedback for Stochastic Cellular Actuator Systems Consisting of Nonuniform Actuator Units”, Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2007), pp. 642-647, Roma, Italy, April, 2007.
- Lael Odhner, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, “Stochastic Optimal Control Laws for Cellular Artificial Muscles,” Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2007), pp. 1554-1559, Roma, Italy, April, 2007.
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Manipulative Familiarization and Fatigue Evaluation Using Contact State Transition” Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS2006), pp. 3767-3772, Beijing, China, 2006.
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Recognition of In-Hand Manipulation along with Rolling Contact using Orbital Motion of Contact Points on Object Surface,” Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference of Multisensor Fusion and Integration for Intelligent Systems (MFI2006), pp. 167-172, Germany, 2006.9.
- Lael Odhner, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, “A Cellular Control Architecture for Compliant Artificial Muscles,” IEEE 2006 International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC 2006), pp. 2730 – 2733, NY, 2006.
- Jun Ueda, Masayuki Matsugashita, Reishi Oya, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Control of Muscle Force during Exercise using a Musculoskeletal-Exoskeletal Integrated Human Model, ” 10th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
- Lael Odhner, Jun Ueda, Harry Asada, “Broadcast feedback of Stochastic Cellular Actuators,” 10th International Symposium on Experimental Robotics (ISER), Rio de Janeiro, 2006.
- Jun Ueda, Lael Odhner, Harry Asada, ” A Broadcast-Probability Approach to the Control of Vast DOF Cellular Actuators,” 2006 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation(ICRA 2006), Orlando, Florida (Lake Buena Vista), pp. 1456- 1461, May 15 to May 19, 2006.
- Jun Ueda, Lael Odhner, Sang-Gook Kim, Harry Asada, “Distributed Stochastic Control of MEMS-PZT Cellular Actuators with Broadcast Feedback,” The first IEEE / RAS-EMBS International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics (BioRob 2006), pp. 272-277, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, February 20-22, 2006.
- Jun Ueda, Yutaka Ishida, Tsukasa Ogasawara, Ricardo T. Shichiku, and Takahiko Nakano, “Development of a Compact Pointing Device utilizing Static-Capacity Fingerprint Sensor”, Proceedings of the 4th IEEE International Conference on Sensors, Irvine, California, Oct. 31- Nov. 3, 2005.
- Hiroshi Takemura, Akihiro Matsuyama, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Hiroshi Mizoguchi and Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Momentum Compensation for the Dynamic Walk of Humanoids based on the Optimal Pelvic Rotation,” 8th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots and the Support Technologies for Mobile Machines (CLAWAR2005),pp.485-492, London, Sep. 13-15, 2005.
- Hiroshi Takemura, Masaaki Obayashi, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Hiroshi Mizoguchi and Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Investigation of the Elastic Contact Model of the Plantar in Human Walking based on the Incipient Slip,” Proceedings of 2005 International Technical Conference on Circuits/System, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC2005), pp.1175-1176, Korea, July, 2005.
- Jun Ueda, Yutaka Ishida, Masahiro Kondo, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Development of the NAIST-Hand with Vision-based Tactile Fingertip Sensor”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2005),pp.2343-2348, Barcelona, Spain, April, 2005.
- Yuichi Kurita, Kazuyuki Nagata, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “CPG-Based Manipulation: Adaptive Switchings of Grasping Fingers by Joint Angle Feedback.”, Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2005), pp.2528-2533, Barcelona, Spain, April, 2005.
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Evaluation of Manipulative Familiarization and Fatigue Based on Contact State Transition”, IEEE World Haptics Conference, pp.102-107, Pisa, Italy, March, 2005.
- Jun Ueda, Kenji Shirae, Yoshio Matsumoto, Shingo Oda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Momentum Compensation for the Fast Dynamic Walk of Humanoids based on the Pelvic Rotation of Contact Sport Athletes”, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2004), November 10 – 12, Santa Monica, CA, 2004.
- Jun Ueda, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Global RAC-Measure for Redundancy Solution of Human-like Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Body”, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2004), pp.3930-3935, September 28 – October 2, 2004, Sendai, 2004.
- Atsutoshi Ikeda, Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Grip Force Control for an Elastic Finger using Vision-based Incipient Slip Feedback”, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2004), pp.810-815, September 28 – October 2, 2004, Sendai, 2004.
- Masahiro Kondo, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Perception of Human Manipulation Based on Contact State Transition”, Proceedings of 2004 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2004), pp.100-105, September 28 – October 2, 2004, Sendai, 2004.
- Yuichi Kurita, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “CPG-Based Manipulation : Generation of Rhythmic Finger Gaits from Human Observation”, Proceedings of the 2004 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2004), pp.1204-1209, New Orleans, LA, USA, April, 2004.
- Yuichi Kurita, Atsutoshi Ikeda, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “A Novel Pointing Device Utilizing the Deformation of the Fingertip”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2003), pp.13-18, Las Vegas, USA, October, 2003.
- Norihisa Takahashi, Mitsunori Tada, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “An Optical 6-axis Force Sensor for Brain Function Analysis using fMRI”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Sensors , pp.253-258 ,Tronto, Canada, October, 2003.
- Hiroshi Takemura, Hiroya Iwama, Abdelaziz Khiat, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “Study of the Toes Role in Human Walk by a Toe Elimination and Pressure Measurement System”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man & Cybernetics (SMC 2003), pp.2569-2574, Washington, D.C., USA, October, 2003.
- Jun Ueda, Reishi Oya, Tsukasa Ogasawara, and Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Solution of Human-like Redundant Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Body for Task-space Feedback Control”, Proceedings of the 2003 ASME/IEEE International International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 2003), pp.1429-1434, Kobe, Japan, July, 2003.
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Mode Shape Compensator for Improving Robustness of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base”, Proceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2003), pp.3011-3016, Taipei, Taiwan, September, 2003.
- Hiroshi Takemura, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “The Influence of Friction on Gait and Energy Efficiency of the Walking Robot Based on Rhythmic Control”, 2nd International Symposium on Adaptive Motion of Animals and Machines (AMAM 2003), Kyoto, Japan, March 4-8, 2003.
- Hiroshi Takemura, Jun Ueda, Yoshio Matsumoto, Tsukasa Ogasawara, “A study of a gait generation of a quadruped robot based on rhythmic control -optimization of CPG parameters by a fast dynamics simulation environment”, Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Climbing and Walking Robots (CLAWAR 2002), pp.759-766, Paris, France, September, 2002.
- Jun Ueda, Tsuneo Yoshikawa, “Robust Arm Configuration of Manipulator Mounted on Flexible Base”, Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2002), pp.1321-1326, Washington, D.C., USA, May, 2002.
- Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Jun Ueda, “Task Priority Based Mode Shaping Method for In-phase Design of Flexible Structures Aiming at High Speed and Accurate Positioning”, Proceedings of the 2001 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2001), pp.1806-1812, Seoul, Korea, May, 2001.
- Jun Ueda, Akihiko Imagi, Hitoshi Tamayama, “Track Following Control of Large Capacity Flexible Disk Drive with Disturbance Observer Using Two Position Sensors”, Proceedings of the 1999 ASME/IEEE International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM 99), pp.144-149, Atlanta, USA, September, 1999.
- Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Jun Ueda, “Analysis and Control of Master-Slave Systems with Time Delay”, Proceedings of the 1996 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 96), pp.1366-1373, Osaka, Japan, November, 1996.
- Y.Yokokohji, N.Hosotani, J.Ueda and T.Yoshikawa, A Micro Teleoperation System for Compensating Scaling Effects Based on Environment Model, Proc. of 1994 Japan-USA Symp. on Flexible Automation, pp.709-716, 1994.
- Jun Ueda, Kyukbin Kwon, and Jacob Blevins, Exploiting and Mitigating Affine Transformation-Based False Data Injection Attacks on Telerobotic Systems, Technology review article, Journal of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE), Encrypted Control Special Issue, 2025.
- Yuichi Kurita and Jun Ueda, “Motion Classification Considering Signal-dependent Noise on Muscles,” Review article, the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 34, No. 6, pp.378-381, 2016 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, Overseas Trends, Robotics and Mechatronics, JSME Year Book 2013, August 2013, in Press (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, David Comber, Jonathon Slightam, Melih Turkseven, Vito Gervasi, Robert J. Webster III, and Eric J. Barth, MRI-Compatible Fluid-Powered Medical Devices, ASME Dynamic Systems and Control Magazine, 1(2), 13-16, 2013.
- Jun Ueda and Joshua Schultz, “Camera Uses Muscle Like Action to Mimic Human Eye Movement,” Research Horizons, Georgia Tech Research News, Fall 2012-Winter 2013
- Jun Ueda and Joshua Schultz “Biologically-inspired Robotic Vision,” WorldWide ElectroActive Polymers (Artificial Muscles) Newsletter by the Editor Dr. Yoseph Bar-Cohen, JPL , Vol. 14, No. 2, December, 2012.
- Zhidong Wang, Takeo Kanade, Yoshikazu Kanamiya, Yunhui Liu, Manukid Parnichkun, Katsu Yamane, Jun Ueda, Fumiya Iida, Shugen Ma, Sang-Ho Hyon, Kanako Miura, Ken Tomiyama, Commentary, People: Towards the World, From the WorldSpecial 30th Anniversary Issue “A New Generation of the Robotics Society of Japan: Towards the World” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 30, No. 10, pp.9-26, 2012 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, “International collaboration on robotics in the U. S.,” Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan , Vol. 30, No. 10, pp.92, 2012 (in Japanese).
- Jun Ueda, “Modeling and Control of Stochastic Actuator Arrays inspired by Biological Muscles,” Review article in the Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol. 29, No. 5, pp.29-32, 2011 (in Japanese).
Non-reviewed Conference Papers and Poster Presentations
- Waiman Meinhold, John Oshinski , Ai-Ping Hu, and Jun Ueda, Design and Fabrication of an Automated Spinal Precision Injection Robot, BMES Annual Conference, 2019, in Philadelphia
- Euisun Kim, Jun Ueda, Minoru Shinohara, Ilya Kovalenko, “Long latency responses induced by Robotic Neuromodulatory
Rehabilitation System for Paired Associative Stimulation,” Poster presentation, International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) Congress 2016, Chicago, July 5-8, 2016 - Ellenor Brown, Yasuhide Yoshitake, Jun Ueda, and Minoru Shinohara, “Automatic Image Processing of Ultrasound Elastography for Obtaining Muscle Shear Modulus by Removing Connective Tissue Data,” Poster presentation, International Society of Electrophysiology and Kinesiology (ISEK) Congress 2016, Chicago, July 5-8, 2016
- Yun Shik Choo, Ellen Pikus, Ilya Kovalenko, Jun Ueda, Minoru Shinohara. Paired associative stimulation using a pneumatically powered mechanical stimulator. The 16th Conference on System Integration (SI2015), Society of Instrument and Control Engineers, Nagoya, Japan, December 14-16, 2015 (SI2015 Best Presentation Paper Award)
- Ellenor Brown, Jun Ueda, Minoru Shinohara, “Modulation of correlated neural oscillations in motor cortex and muscle due to afferent input and co-contraction” 25th Annual meeting of the Society for the Neural Control of Movement,Charleston, NC, 2015
- Yuichi Kurita, Yamato Sueda, Toshio Tsui, Minoru Hattor, Hiroyuki Egi, Hideki Ohdan, Hiroshi Takemura, Jun Ueda, Improvement of tactile perception capability by stochastic resonance effect – Discussion based on a summing network model -, Proc. of the Robotics and Mechatronics Conference 2013 , 2A1-14, 2013.
- Jun Ueda and Melih Turkseven, “Development of a Pneumatically Driven MRI-compatible Haptic Device,” Proceeding of the 29th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of Japan, International Session, September 7-9, Tokyo, Japan, 2011.
- Yoshihiro Nakata, Hiroshi Ishiguro (Osaka Univ.), Jun Ueda (Georgia Tech), A Study on Teaching Specific Movements Using Tendon Vibration in Humans, IEICE Tech. Rep., March, 13, 2013. (in Japanese)
- Yuichi Kurita, Yamato Sueda (Hiroshima Univ.), Jun Ueda (Gatech), Toshio Tsuji (Hiroshima Univ.), Investigation of the improvement in tactile sensitivity by using stochastic resonance effect, IEICE Tech. Rep., October, 26, 2013. (in Japanese)
Issued patents
- Tactile Sensor and Methods to Detect Tactile Information, Japan Patent JP 5120920, Publication date 11/02/2012
- Driving force calculating device, driving force calculating method, power assisting device, program, and computer-readable storage medium, United States Patent 7,981,059 B2, Publication Date: 07/19/2011, JP 5098114, Publication data: 10/05/2012
- Tactile Sensor and Use Thereof, US Patent 7591166, Publication date 09/22/2009, JP 4729723, Publication date 04/28/2011
- Driving force calculating device, driving force calculating method, power assisting device, driving force calculating program, and computer-readable storage medium, United States Patent 7529632, Publication Date: 05/05/2009, JP 4742278, Publication date: 05/20/2011
- Robot hand mechanism, Japan Patent JP 4100622 B , Publication Date:3/28/2008
- Pointing device, Japan Patent JP 4208200, Publication date 01/14/2009
- Sensor cover and pointing device, Japan Patent JP 4141997, Publication date 08/27/2009
- Linear elastic actuator, JP patent 5252493, Publication date 04/26/2013.
- Camera positioning Mechanism using an Antagonistic Pair of Compliant Contractile Actuators, GTRC ID 6056, 61/659,614, with Dr. Joshua Schultz, US Patent, US 8,662,764 B2, Publication Date: March 4, 2014
- Devices and Methods for Illuminating an Intraocular Implant, PCT Application No. PCT/US2019/016460, GTRC Ref. No.: 7784, Eversheds Sutherland Ref. No.: 24233-0011, with Dr. Reay H. Brown, Filed on 2/4/2019. Publication Date: August 8th, 2019
- Method and System for MRI-Guided Visual Servoing, PCT/US2021/025131, GTRC 8412, Waiman Meinhold, Jun Ueda, Efe Ozkaya, Mehmet Kurt, Filed on March 31, 2021, Published on October 7, 2021, WO 2021/202697 A1.
- Systems and Methods for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Guided Robotics, GTRC ID 8246, US Patent Application, 17/404,619 Filed on 8/17/2021, Issued on 2/17/2022, with Waiman Meinhold, Ai-Ping Hu, Daniel Martinez, and John Oshinski
Invention disclosure
- Strain amplification devices and methods, US Patent Application, US 2009/0115292 A1, Filed on: Oct. 24, 2008.
- Fingernail Actuator, GTRC ID No. 4795, Filed 03/31/2009 with Dr. Shinohara
- MRI Compatible Force Sensor, GTRC ID 5652, Filed April 26, 2011 with Melih Turkseven
- Simultaneous Force and Displacement Self Sensing Technique for Piezoelectric Actuator, GTRC ID 5654, 61/479,430, Filed April 27, 2011 with Timothy McPherson
- Powered Exoskeleton for Muscle Rehabilitation and Exercise, GTRC ID 5653, 61/479,424, Filed April 27, 2011 with Greg Henderson
- Stroke Rehabilitation Method: Overlap of Long Latency Reflex Response with Voluntary Nerve Impulse, GTRC ID 6517, Filed October 21, 2013, with Lauren Lacey
- All-In Single Port Laparoscopic Surgical Device, GTRC-6876, Filed December 3, 2014
- Mechanisms for a Single-Port Laparoscopic Surgical Grasper, 62/183,535, GTRC-6925, Filed on June 23, 2015, with Chenlu Han and Rohan Katoch
- Mechanism and joint design for single-port laparoscopic device, 62/420,920,62/583,574
Filed: November 11, 2016, GTRC ID No.: 7476, 7457 (GTRC7476PR, GTRC7457PRV2), with Rohan Katoch - Instrumental Medical Hammer, 62/568,375, Filed: September 5, 2017, GTRC ID No.: 7702 (GTRC7702PRV), with Waiman Meinhold, Shinichi Izumia (Tohoku University), and Hiroshi Honda (NITI-ON)
- Devices and Methods for Illuminating an Intraocular Implant, 62/628,095, Filed: February 8th, 2018, GTRC Ref. No.: 7784, with Dr. Reay H. Brown, PCT/US2019/016460, Filed August 2020.
- Glaucoma stent delivery apparatus and methods, GTRC ID 7784, Filed on 1/19/2018, with Reay H Brown, Terese Martinez, and Rohan Katoch
- Precision Needle Positioning Robotic System for MRI Guided Injection, 62/885,736, GTRC ID 8246, Filed on 8/12/2019, with Waiman Meinhold, Ai-Ping Hu and John Oshinski, Re-filed on 8/17/2020, 63/066,578
- System for automated Magnetic Resonance Elastography actuator positioning, 63/002,558, Filed on 3/31/2020, Waiman Meinhold, Jun Ueda, Efe Ozkaya, Mehmet Kurt, March 2020
- Algebraic Rewrites of Arithmetic Expressions for Automatic Cryptographic Depth Reduction, filed on 7/11/2022, Jun Ueda, Shane Adam Kosieradzki, U.S. Patent Application No. 63/368,075, GTRC Reference No. GTRC9012PRV
- Precision Needle Rotation Mechanism for MRI Guided Procedures, U.S. Patent Application No. 63/634,062, GTRC Reference No.: 2024111, GTRC2024111PRV, Alexey Khotimsky, Daniel Martinez, Waiman Meinhold, Jun Ueda, filed on 4/15/2024
- Deep Learning-Based Diagnostic Quality Prediction During Magnetic Resonance Elastography Data Acquisition, Us Patent Application, 63/650,665, Filed On 5/22/2024, Jun Ueda, Heriberto Andres Nieves-Vazques
- Jun Ueda, “Design and Control of Stable and High-performance Mechatronic Systems”, Kyoto University, March 2002.