2018 Southwest Robotics Symposium at Arizona State University, 1/25-1/26, 2018
Category: Uncategorized
NSF M3X project awarded
National Science Foundation, CMMI, M3X – Mind, Machine, and Motor Nexus, Collaborative Research: Enhancing Gait Dynamics via Physical Human-human and Human-Robot Interactions at the Hands (#1761679), $319,231, PI: Essa, Co-PI: Ueda, 06/01/2018-05/30/2021. This is a collaborative project with Drs. Lena Ting and Madeleine Hackney at Emory University.
Ueda visited China as a member of ASME Intelligent Robotics Delegation
Dr. Ueda attended the 12th Sino-American Technology and Engineering Conference (SATEC) held between 5/13-5/19 in China. Ten U.S. experts invited through ASME (led by Dr. Schmiedeler with University of Notre Dame) in intelligent robotics visited companies and institutions in Anhui province and attended a meeting in Beijing. The ASME group…
Paper on pneumatic actuator control with long transmission lines has been published in IEEE TMECH
Melih Turkseven and Jun Ueda, Model Based Force Control of Pneumatic Actuators with Long Transmission Lines, IEEE /ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, [LINK Xplore]. Pneumatic systems with long transmission lines have recently gained popularity in tele-operated robotic applications, such as medical robots designed for operations in magnetic resonance (MR) rooms, mobile…
Quincey Lowery completed the MS program
Quincey Lowery presented his MS thesis on Shock Absorbing Exoskeleton for Vertical Mobility System and successfully completed the MS program. Great work and congratulations.
Qualifying Exam Spring 2018
Michael Libretto (ME), Yingxin Qiu (ME) and Waiman Meinhold (Robotics) passed the PhD qualifying exam. Congratulations!!
Paper on ultrasound shear-wave elastography of skeletal muscles has been published in IJIRA
Ellenor Brown, Yasuhide Yoshitake, Minoru Shinohara, Jun Ueda, “Automatic analysis of ultrasound shear-wave elastography in skeletal muscle without non-contractile tissue contamination,” International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41315-018-0050-1
Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology Project on Muscle-Inspired Actuators
An interdicipinary team at Georgia Tech led by Dr. Ansari at ECE will develop muscle-inspired piezoelectric actuators. Georgia Tech Institute for Electronics and Nanotechnology (IEN), Micro-/Nano- Electronics and Photonics for Challenges of Global Significance, $225,000 (for 3 years), Muscle-Inspired Actuators for Multiscale Robotics (MIAMuR), PI: Azadeh Ansari, co-PIs: Sponberg, Goldman,…