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Melih won the 2nd place of the Poster presentation at CCEFP annual meeting
Melih Turkseven was awarded the 2nd place for the Technical Poster Presentation competition at FPIRC14 (formerly CCEFP annual PI meeting) in Nashville. He presented this research on MRI compatible rehabilitation robot and pneumatic line dynamics modeling. Great work and well deserved.
Making a mental match: pairing a mechanical device with stroke patients
Our project supported by NSF Center of Compact and Efficient Fluid Power (CCEFP) was recently featured by GT News. Contributors: Lauren Lacey (Graduate Research Assistant MS Mechanical Engineering), Arnold Maliki (MS Special Program), Debapriya Bhattacharjee, James Veldhorst, Ilya Kovalenko (Undergraduate Research Assistants), Melih Turkseven (GT Mechanical Engineering CCEFP Research Assistant),…
Ilya receives President’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA)
Ilya Kovalenko receives President’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA) for Fall 2014 and continues his research on a pneumatically actuated device for hemiparesis rehabilitation. Congratulations, Ilya.
Greg’s paper has been published online in Robotica
Lauren’s paper was published in ASME Journal of Medical Devices as a Technical Brief
Congratulations Lauren, Arnold, Deba, and James ! The paper presented at the 2014 ASME Design of Medical Devices Conference was published in ASME Journal of Medical Devices as a technical brief [LINK].
Billy’s paper was published in Advanced Robotics
Billy’s paper has been published in Advanced Robotics: William Gallagher, Dalong Gao, and Jun Ueda, “Improved Stability of Haptic Human-Robot Interfaces using Measurement of Human Arm Stiffness,” Advanced Robotics, Volume 28, Issue 13, pp. 869-882, 2014 [Taylor and Francis]
Lauren Lacey successfully completed the Masters program.
Lauren completed the MS program in Mechanical Engineering. Her thesis title is “Assessment of Repetitive Facilitation Exercise with fMRI-Compatible Rehabilitation Device for Hemiparetic Limbs.” Congratulations, Lauren!